Parenting Tips

Creating Daily Routines that Actually Stick

The ProNamel® brand has compensated me in connection with statements made in this post.
I have a confession… and this one is pretty hard to admit. If you’ve been around here before, you know I like routine. It’s how I function best. It wasn’t too long ago that I realized I’d been avoiding some pretty serious daily routines.
I let them slip to the back of my mind until I had no choice but to pay attention. It started with a terrible dentist appointment for one of the kids. It wasn’t just the unexpected dental work that slapped me in the face… it was the realization that I was almost standing in the way of good dental health.
What?!?! We’ve always brushed our teeth (of course) but it wasn’t planned into our routine in a way that worked.

That meant tooth brushing time was a drag, a chore AND rushed. What comes from something that is a drag, a chore and rushed? Hmmm, I think we all know the answer to that.

So I did what I do best. I made a plan. We quickly took that plan and created a routine that has been working for months now. Once we had tooth brushing under way I realized that there were other important daily tasks that were falling through the cracks.

We went full force on those and now, instead of feeling overwhelmed and guilty about what I’m not doing. I feel empowered and excited about how many healthy routines we will be able to tackle!

Today I’ve teamed up with ProNamel® to spread the word about their kid’s line. ProNamel® 6-12 Years Toothpaste for Kids is focused on kids age 6-12, who are in the stage of losing their primary teeth and growing in their secondary teeth. It actively strengthens enamel and helps protect against everyday acids and cavities.

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 Creating a daily routine that actually works is easier than you think. Use these 6 steps to plan ahead & take action tackling your important daily routines.Creating a daily routine that actually works is easier than you think. Use these 6 steps to plan ahead & take action tackling your important daily routines.

How to Create Daily Routines that Actually Stick

Pick One Routine at a Time. They are all important. That’s a fact, but if you try to change everything at once you’ll go crazy and then none of them will stick! So pick one thing and figure out how to make it fit. Play with it for a couple of weeks and when you start to feel like it’s just naturally happening without much thought… pick something new to focus on.

Plan. Routines will stick so much better if you are invested and fully on board. Knowing ahead of time what time of day will be best, where in the house will be best and which parent should be in charge; will help the kids get on board when you’re ready to put your plan into action.

Set Up the Environment. Think about the environment and plan accordingly. Make sure that everything you need for these daily routines is in reach and in sight (especially if visual reminders are important for you). I know seeing them will make remembering much easier for me, especially in the beginning.

Think about Challenges. Take some time to think through the obstacles you are bound to face. One of the problems with our tooth brushing was the obvious discrepancy of how long 2 minutes actually is. We ended up getting a toothbrush timer but before that I used the stopwatch on my phone.

Start on the Right Foot. It’s pretty likely that your kids are not going to be excited about adding these important routines into the mix, but you can make it more fun. Allow yourself enough time (especially in the beginning) to be relaxed about it. Get silly and have fun. Tell a tooth joke when the job is done or draw letters on their back while applying lotion. Just because something has to be done doesn’t mean it has to be boring.

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Check Back. Every couple of months check back with the routine. Is your original system still working? Does it need tweaking?

 ProNamel for Kids is specially formulated to protect against cavities and everyday acids.ProNamel for Kids is specially formulated to protect against cavities and everyday acids. 

Settings kids up for ‘tooth successes’ for the rest of their lives is easy! By preventing Acid Erosion during this crucial time ProNamel® 6-12 Years Toothpaste for Kids works to actively strengthen the precious enamel kids have now.

  • Kids between 6 and 12 years old are susceptible to Acid Erosion and experience enamel erosion – and once it erodes, it never grows back.
  • ProNamel® for Kids is specially formulated to protect against cavities and everyday acids.
  • ProNamel® is the #1 Dentist Recommended Brand for strengthening and protecting enamel.

Find ProNamel® online – Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube. Coupons available on the ProNamel® Website.


What healthy routine do you need to improve? Tell me in the comments and you will be entered to win a $100 Visa gift card!

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