Parenting Tips

Two Children Under Two? Preserve Precious Sanity with these Tips

Two under two sanity tipsHaving two children under two poses unique challenges. While it’s not possible to keep everyone happy all the time, these tips can help you make the most out of shared childcare time.

• Recognize patterns.

Pay attention to factors that contribute to baby or toddler meltdowns, such as time of day, activities, fatigue, and hunger.

• Be flexible.

When nursing or feeding baby, make feeding locations flexible to better accommodate your toddler. If this is not an option, invite your toddler for a snack or cuddle on the couch with you during the process. Spending time with both children simultaneously is the goal.

• Involve your older child.

This needn’t overcomplicate your already overwhelmed childcare schedule. Simply inviting your older child to grab a diaper or a few wipes helps them feel involved rather than left on the sidelines.

• Experiment.

Don’t keep doing the same old thing the same old way if it’s not working. Modify. Trial and error is the only way to figure out the optimum solution for tricky child care situations – like the horrors of bath and bedtime scheduling.

• Double Up.

Keep spare baby supplies in stock. If your toddler wants to take part, try indulging her rather than immediately resorting to the “no, that’s for baby” rigmarole.

• Don’t neglect one-on-one time.

Before your rush to tackle that never-ending chore list, consider spending a few minutes of alone quality time with each child while the other is asleep. It helps boost security.

Need quality child care for those times when you can’t do it all? Visit Horizon Education Centers conveniently located day care facilities in Cleveland, Elyria, Lorain, North Olmstead, and North Ridgeville.

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