
Teaching Strategies for Young Tactile Learners

Tactile learners are doers. Active and hands-on learning is vital. Tactile learners process information better through experience by using their body. Teaching tactile learners is quite a challenge since they have a hard time staying put in one place for a long period of time. This is because of their inclination to movement which makes reading and listening to you or to a teacher mind-numbing.

So how can you help your tactile learner?

Cut lessons into segments

Tactile learners have short attention span so it’s best if you cut a studying session into segments. Put breaks in between to allow them to relax or move around.

Encourage participation

When studying, try to do fun activities like dancing, role playing, or using flash cards. You can make your child stand on the opposite corner, raise the flash cards with questions and per correct answer, your child gets to step forward. Or during memorizations, you can let your child close their eyes and let them spell the word in the air by using their finger. Just be creative.Tactile learners are doers. Active and hands-on learning is vital. Tactile learners process information better through experience by using their body. Teaching tactile learners is quite a challenge since they have a hard time staying put in one place for a long period of time. This is because of their inclination to movement which makes reading and listening to you or to a teacher mind-numbing.

So how can you help your tactile learner?

Cut lessons into segments

Tactile learners have short attention span so it’s best if you cut a studying session into segments. Put breaks in between to allow them to relax or move around.

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Encourage participation

When studying, try to do fun activities like dancing, role playing, or using flash cards. You can make your child stand on the opposite corner, raise the flash cards with questions and per correct answer, your child gets to step forward. Or during memorizations, you can let your child close their eyes and let them spell the word in the air by using their finger. Just be creative.

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